Success Stories

Mr. M's Quest for Prompt Neurological Care

Over the past 6-12 months Mr. M had been experiencing symptoms of weakness in his feet and was falling frequently. His family doctor had referred him to 3 different neurologists within 3 months prior to calling Health Bridge in the hope of getting in with someone ASAP due to his declining health. One of the neurologist’s offices finally called him for an appointment only to say it would likely be another 6 months before he he could be seen. The next day he called Health Bridge wanting to see a neurologist in the US as soon as possible. Health Bridge was able to arrange a neurology appointment with specialized testing (EMG/ Nerve Conduction study) within 1 week. While at the appointment the doctor determined that he also needed an MRI of his spine and was able to get the MRI the same day while at the appointment. Due to Health Bridge’s experience in navigating the healthcare system and negotiating the lowest fees, his total cost for the neurology consult, EMG/Nerve Conduction study, spinal MRI and HealthBridge fees came to around $1300 USD.

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Fast-tracking Care: Mr. S's Neurology Breakthrough with Health Bridge

Mr. S had been referred for an EMG/Nerve Conduction Study in Canada by his family doctor. He was placed on a 6 month waitlist for the test. Health Bridge was able to get the test and neurology consultation in Buffalo in 3 days for $800 USD, including Health Bridge fees.

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Ms. J's Cancer Diagnosis through Health Bridge

A post menopausal female recently received an ultrasound that showed an abnormality on her uterus. She was advised that she needed to see a gynecologist and get a biopsy as soon as possible. She was referred to 2 gynecologists in her area in order to try and get a quick appointment. After 1 month, she had still not heard from either clinic as to the timing of the specialist appointment. When she called the clinic herself, she was told it could be up to 6 months before she could get the biopsy and an additional 6-8 weeks for the pathology report due to current delays with the health system. She reached out to Health Bridge asking to see someone for an endometrial biopsy. Health Bridge was able to get her an appointment with a Board Certified Gynecologist within 4 days with her results available in 2 days. Unfortunately she did have cancer. Her family doctor was able to take the results from the US Gynecologist and get her referred to a local cancer centre for surgery and treatment. The total cost for her appointment, including the Health Bridge fee, was less than $800 USD. Prior to contacting Health Bridge she had also reached out to a big name medical centre in the US and was told it would be at least a month before she could get in with gynecologist. The cost for going there would have also been around $4000 USD. The Health Bridge team was able to get her much faster care than anywhere else and for a much better price.

To learn more about our cancer care services click here

Mr. E's Urology Care Coordination with Health Bridge

Mr. E was a retired Canadian having symptoms of an enlarged prostate, which can be very common with age (also known benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH). He had been referred to a urologist in Toronto and was asking to be seen in the next week before he leaves to go to Florida for the next 2 months. He was advised that there was no way to see a urologist that quickly for this type of problem unless there was some sort of related emergency. He agreed that seeing a urologist in Florida would be the best and quickest option. Health Bridge arranged for him to see a urologist the next week in Florida for the day after he arrived in Florida.

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Health Bridge's Orthopedic Solution for Knee Surgery

A client called Health Bridge requesting to see an orthopedic surgeon in the US close to the border for arthroscopic knee surgery due to a torn meniscus. He had gotten a quote of $10,000 CAD for the surgery at a private centre in Alberta with a wait time of 4-8 weeks. Health Bridge was able to offer a comparative quote of $5,100 USD ($6,851.41 CAD) with availability within 2 weeks.

To learn more about our surgical services click here

Health Bridge Coordinates Vital Tests for Overseas Adventure

A client called requesting 3 different elective tests/appointments that were required to be able to do extreme mountain climbing overseas. These tests include an echocardiogram, EKG, cardiology consultation, and an exercise capacity test. They wanted the fastest appointments available and was willing to fly across the US to have this done. Health Bridge was able to coordinate all of the appointments within 3 days and within two hours driving distance from their home. The total cost was less than $1000 USD for the cardiology consult and all of the testing, including the Health Bridge fee.

To learn more about our specialist services click here